About Rella B

Becoming Rella B? Well, that's quite the story! You see, there was a time when I believed that growing up was the big goal. I was all set to dive into the “real” world, get responsible and all that jazz. But here's the twist: the more I worked, the more that inner joy seemed to fade. You know, people say you should find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life, right? Well, what if we took it a step further?

I realized that work and play shouldn't be like distant cousins, barely meeting at family reunions. No way! They should be inseparable buddies, throwing a non-stop party.That's when Rella B was born – my alter ego and playtime enthusiast. No more dull jobs, just things I'm passionate about. And you know what's even better? I'm all about helping kids keep their imaginations running wild. Why rush them into the boring grown-up world when they can have a blast every day?

So here's the deal: I'm Rella B, and my mission is all about the perfect blend of work and play. Forget the rush to grow up – let's create a world where each day is a new adventure, and work is a playful partner.

Book an Author Visit

Rella B offers a multitude of options when it comes to promoting literacy through engaging appearances. Whether you would like an in person visit, virtual, or just a class shout out in a YouTube video she will make sure your little readers feel extra special!

She is also available for speaking on panels, motivational talks, or educating 6-12 on topics such as: Financial literacy, entrepreneurship, social media, and more.

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